Our dear mother, in her admirable but Quixotic quest to be more organized, has an irresistible attraction to knick knacks and such things that promise to help one organize things. One such example is this Tupperware holder, which came with specially shaped Tupperware designed to stack inside its cheap plastic edges. The Tuppeware itself is fine, and getting plenty of weekly use stored, as it is, in our parents’ kitchen drawer. But this ugly and unwieldy hunk of plastic was more successful as a concept than as an actual object. It’s too hideous to live on the kitchen counter, but when placed in the Tupperware drawer it takes over, leaving no room for all the other necessary pieces of Tupperware.

Nostalgia value: None, really, although it is somewhat tempting to use this thing to sculpt replicas of unappealing modern architecture.

Disposal status: Garbage. It’s not that tempting.