C'mon in...

This is the pride of the Basement Collection: the Peewee’s Playhouse Playset. As has been previously mentioned, our family had a bit of a thing about Peewee’s Playhouse. Loving that show was a family activity – we would practice our Peewee laughs and quote the show ad nauseum (“Because it ain’t a holiday and it ain’t nobody’s birthday!”) at the dinner table.  Our father would set the Beta machine to tape the show every Saturday morning so we could watch it when we got home from Hebrew school. Peewee’s Playhouse was just a natural extension of our obsession with weirdo entertainment that was a little too old for us – we grew up watching vintage Betty Boop cartoons, and only recently realized that we are more or less alone in this, and everyone else of our generation seems to find such entertainment weird and unsettling.

Also, our dad went out of town a lot and always made sure to bring us home toys so that we knew he still loved us.

the king of cartoons

Thanks to our father’s penchant for stocking up on every obscure old cartoon he could find on Beta (that’s right), we grew up on the surreal old-timey cartoons that the King of Cartoons would screen and, more often than not, would squeal with recognition at his cartoons. It wasn’t until we grew up that we learned about things like “public domain.”

Conkie 3000

Miss Yvonne is hiding behind the tv because we can’t find her skirt. We come from a big-haired family and of age during a time where big hair is not exactly appreciated, so we are forever grateful to Miss Yvonne (The Most Beautiful Woman in Puppet Land) for what she did for our self-esteem, hair-wise.


Big feet, big boots! Seriously, though, why wasn’t Mr. Window called Windowy? No consistency!


The main flaw of the Peewee’s Playhouse Playset is that it didn’t come with Dog Chair (Dog Chair!) The main flaw of our family is that we seem to have lost the wind-up Pterri and the wind-up Magic Screen. Oh, and Peewee’s scooter is so broken.

Monetary value: It’s kind of dirty and missing some pieces, but Chairry, Conkie,and Jambi could probably fetch some decent cash on eBay – so maybe $40?

Nostalgic value: This is the best toy we have ever owned ever you can’t have it it’s ours!

Disposal status: Keeping forever and ever.